Speck CandyShell vs CandyShell SATIN
The Speck CandyShell and CandyShell SATIN are very similar in terms of thickness, cutouts, and button tactility, but in reality, the CandyShell SATIN has a satin texture that does not scratch, while the original CandyShell is glossy and scratches easily, but my Pirate's Cove Teal CandyShell does not scratch very simple.
if you look for grip, the CandyShell SATIN is for you and I would prefer the CandyShell SATIN.
Speck CandyShell vs CandyShell FLIP
The Speck CandyShell and CandyShell FLIP are the same with glossy backing, thickness, and button tactility, but the CandyShell FLIP has a flip mechanism which allows you to dock the iPhone 4S. Revoming the CandyShell FLIP is very simple. To remove the case, first flip the bottom section to a docking position. Last but not least, pull the iPhone 4S out of the CandyShell FLIP. If you look for dockability, the CandyShell FLIP is for you.
Speck CandyShell vs CandyShell GRIP
The Speck CandyShell and CandyShell GRIP are very different because the CandyShell GRIP has finger grips, the rubber never ever flakes, it is more slender, yet offering more protection, the CandyShelll GRIP is simple to install and revove on the iPhone 4S, there is more lay on the table with the finger guides, and offers grip while browsing on the Internet. If you look for extra grip, the CandyShell GRIP is for you and I would prefer the CandyShell GRIP.
Speck CandyShell: 9.0 out of 10.0
Speck CandyShell SATIN: 10.0 out of 10.0
Speck CandyShell FLIP: 9.5 out of 10.0
Speck CandyShell GRIP: 10.0 out of 10.0
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